Why We Meet


        I never thought we’d ever have a discussion at Church as to whether we should meet or not.  And honestly, over the years I haven’t given much consideration as to how we meet.  It’s never mattered much whether we meet in a cathedral or a barn.  To some it matters a lot.  Your opinion has weight with me.  I respect your thoughts, but what’s always been critical to me is what we do when we meet and why we do what we do.  

        Over the last several weeks as I’ve studied Ephesians and prepared messages from these texts, I’ve been reminded of the crucial part the Church plays in God’s plan.  God saved us to be joined to a body.  To be part of a family.  To be living stones in a building He’s constructing.   We’re organized locally to proclaim the excellencies of His grace lavished upon us in His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.  We come together bonded by the love we’ve received and we worship through the energy that the Spirit supplies.  We come to encourage our fellow strangers and aliens who are struggling to be faithful to the Lord in a world that’s largely forgotten God.  While that world at its best keeps God marginalized, we remind ourselves that God is at the center of our lives.  He’s the core.  Life revolves around Him.  We seek to love and encourage our disheartened brothers and sisters beaten up and beaten down by living daily in a fallen, disenchanted world.  We have words of life and hope and these words, like cool water is what our family, friends and anyone else who will listen need to hear.  By conscientiously encouraging we’re encouraged in the Lord in the process.  It’s the reciprocating effect.  Give and it comes back.  

        We gather to hear the Word of the Lord together and be challenged by its penetrating truths, comforted by its promises, and assured that our hope in the Lord is well-placed.  We come longing to be equipped in order to be effective for Christ in our sphere of influence.  We come because we need to be ready to speak when the opportunity presents itself.  We are ambassadors for Christ.  Committed to a ministry of reconciliation.  

        Right now, we’re meeting outside.  For now, it’s necessary.  We’d prefer other arrangements but I’d hope we can all agree that its what transpires in a Church service and why that’s critical.


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